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Welcome to MISSION "I"

We have built a community of Spiritual Beings who are dedicated in accomplishing Mission "I" that is  "BEING SELF" and transforming into "BEING SELFLESS". You can Join us on this Mission to give a Mission, Vision, Goal, Purpose, objective and take charge of your Self.

Get to Know

What Makes Us Abundant

"We deeply honor the foundational forces of life:
⏳ Time, an ever-flowing river that shapes our existence;
🌿 Nature, a majestic and nurturing force that cradles all of creation;
🌌 the Laws of the Universe, the eternal principles orchestrating cosmic harmony;
☯️ Karma, the profound cycle of action and consequence; and
💪 Individual Efforts, the powerful strokes that paint our unique paths in the vast canvas of reality."

Grow Abundant here
"GANIPEETAK": The Spiritual Legacy of Ancient Wisdom

Treasure of Eternal Wisdom is here

Unveiling Ganipitak: Ganipitak, revered as a Treasure of Jain literature, embodies the essence of spiritual teachings passed down by the Tirthankaras. This ancient compilation offers a profound glimpse into the soul of Jain philosophy, ethics, and the path to liberation.

"NIRGRANTH PRAVACHAN": Echoes of Enlightenment

Decoding the Algorithm of Universe

Tirthankaras are the ULTIMATE DECODERS of the Algorythm of the universe. They start as regular people, just like us, living in families. Here's their inspiring journey, broken down into simple steps:
1. Choosing a New Path 🛤️: At a certain point, they decide to leave their everyday life behind and follow a special path.
2. Observing Absolute Self-Control 🧘‍♂️: They practice absolute introversion, observing difficult austerity and self-imposed silence absolutely necessary.
3. Following Rules Perfectly 📏: They are very careful to always do the right thing, showing great respect for themselves and others.
4. Searching for Deep Knowledge 🔍: Their goal is to gain Keval Jnãna, which means understanding everything perfectly. Keval Jnãna is the ultimate state of our conscious where one can observe past present and future of every living being, non-living thing, every corner of the universe, complete order of the universe simultaneously which is infinite power of our conscious.
5. Sharing Wisdom in "Samavsaran"🌟: Once they achieve Keval Jnãna, they start sharing the secrets of the universe they've discovered on a special structured  architecture construted by heavenly souls known as "SAMAVSARAN"
6. Nirgranth Pravachan 📚: All the universal wisdom they share are put together in what's called the "Nirgranth Pravachan", a special collection of their teachings.
These steps show how Jain Tirthankaras go from living normal lives to becoming teachers of Universal knowledge, helping others learn about the universe and how universe has manifested us to contribute and live better lives. 🌈

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Adarshdham, 11, Tirupati Homes.
Balgruha road, off Lam road,
Deolali. Dist-Nashik
Maharashtra - 422401
+91 7603999808